Cricket Callender
Cricket Callender
Pittsburgh, PA
General Manager - Athleta
My name is Gillian but everyone calls me Cricket. I’m a gal who lives her life in motion. I’m the General Manager for Athleta but I also coach sprinters and the relay teams for my old high school track team. And if that wasn’t just the right amount of stuff on my plate I’m also deeply involved with the Special Olympics in South Western Pennsylvania. In the time that I squirrel away for myself I love to run but I also like to try new things so I bounce around from studio to studio trying all the new workouts. My husband and I have 2 spunky rescue pups named Gibson and Les Paul so it might go without saying that we love music and guitars. I plan my time carefully and since I’m always on the go I need a bag that will hold my entire day (5am gym, 8am-5pm work, meetings and track practice to follow) and the Hobo Go Dash Dot bag rescued me!
To keep up with Cricket, you can follow her on Instagram @crickettheginger !